The Ordering Process — Simple

These days we can do so many things from the comfort of our home, so why not a DNA test as well? Absolute DNA Services has streamlined the process for the Twin Zygosity Test, so it’s as easy as:

  1. Choose your test and order it online.
  2. Pay for your test and any extras you require.
  3. You will get your home sample collection kit in the mail. The kit will contain everything you need to undertake the test from the comfort of your home.
  4. Receive your results in a quick timeframe (within 5-7 working days of receiving samples).

Important Note: Standard turnaround time for results can only be guaranteed for oral swabs. Clients wanting to provide discreet samples for DNA analysis should expect a longer turnaround time.

About Twins Testing

People request our Twins DNA Test for a number of reasons, including:

  • Medical necessity – In certain medical situations, where organ transplant or a blood transfusion is necessary, one twin may be able to save the life of the other twin. Knowing this information about your twins’ DNA beforehand will allow quick action if the occasion arises.
  • Curiosity – Parents may simply be curious as to whether their twins are identical or fraternal.

Identical (Monozygotic)

Develop from one egg and one sperm splitting and forming two embryos, and will have the same genetic information.

Fraternal (Heterozygotic)

Develop from separate eggs being fertilised by two different sperm, producing two children that are genetically unique.