The Ordering Process — Simple

Absolute DNA Services has streamlined the process for ordering a Single Genotype DNA Profile, so it’s as easy as:

  1. Choose your test and order it online.
  2. Pay for your test.
  3. You will get your home sample collection kit in the mail. This kit contains everything required to undertake the test at home. This can include instructions for use, oral swabs, consent forms, and a return envelope.
  4. Receive your results in a quick timeframe (within 5-7 working days of receiving samples).

About DNA Profiles

Your Single Genotype DNA Profile can be used in legal matters involving inheritance, where you may have to verify a biological relationship, only if you select the legal option at checkout.

It can also be used by those with high risk occupations, or those with a high public profile who may need to ensure their identity in the event of a ransom demand resulting from a kidnapping. It can also be of use if you go missing and need to be identified.