The Ordering Process — Simple

These days we can do so many things from the comfort of our home, so why not a DNA test as well? Absolute DNA Services has streamlined the process for the Extended Carrier Screening, so it’s as easy as:

  1. Choose your test and order it online.
  2. Pay for your test and any extras you require.
  3. You will get your home sample collection kit in the mail. The kit will contain everything you need to undertake the test from the comfort of your home.
  4. Receive your results within a quick timeframe.

About Carrier Testing

Our Extended Carrier Screening offers a comprehensive screening option, covering 420 genes, including genes associated with Cystic Fibrosis, Spinal Muscular Atrophy and Fragile X.

The genes covered by this panel are associated with more than 700 unique commonly inherited diseases including the most common forms of inherited deafness, blindness, heart disease, immunodeficiency, and various ataxias, anaemias, and treatable metabolic syndromes.

If your gene of interest is not covered on one of our carrier screening panels, or if you have a blood relative who is a carrier of, or affected by, an inherited disorder, a targeted panel may be more appropriate to detect the specific gene or mutation. Please contact us and our team will assist you with finding a gene panel that suits your specific needs.

What is a genetic carrier?

Most people carry faulty genes that can potentially cause health problems for your child. Genes are instructions that tell our bodies how to develop and work. You have 2 copies of each gene.

If you have one working copy of a gene and one faulty copy of a gene, you are known as a carrier. This means that:

  • You won’t have the health problem yourself
  • You can pass on your copy of the faulty gene to any children you have

If you and your partner are both carriers for the same condition:

Every child you conceive will have a 1 in 4 chance of being born with the condition

Every child you have will have a 1 in 2 chance of being a carrier (possessing one faulty gene)